Friday, August 21, 2009

TO: Meg

   Meg your making me cry okay here is my story

                4 dogs (sniffle)
   OK so 
#1 was named posha oh i loved her sooooooo much she'd go in my room at bed time gim'me a BIG WET KISS and lay down by my head. About a year later (o ps she was a weener dog chiwawa if thats how you spell it) she ate grass and we didnt know that when your a puppy you cant eat grass or................. bad things. Next thing we know she's caughing up blood and we have to put her down.
#2 so she was named porsha also cause we looovveeddd the other porsha so she was a chiwawa mix wit idk wat. anyhooo we loved her  SSSOOOOOO much (sniffle) My dad would scream sponge bob square pants sooo loud........... she would Bark along! we were at the movies and she got ran over by a truck, the guy that did our palm trees left the back gate open, and then it happened the guy who ran over here took her to the vet but she was gone.
#3 Mollie still livig to this day 
       her in my lap

she is a chow sheppard chiwawa pipple/ she's a mix  i love her sooooooo much

#4 still living but with my uncle CoCo my chocolate lab.    We got CoCo at 2 months on the street. Only chocolate lab left in the litter. She started out small and grew into my cuddly bear. My parents said she was too much work but I think thats what brought us closer. But we were never home and she was in a cage she LOVED to swim used to lay out on a raft in the pool and float around luv her she is now fully trained and living in florida

they all say it's just today tomorrow it will be better but is that the truth or are they saying that to distract me. Do they know it doesn't work do they know i still


Meggymeg said...

Oh my gosh. Im so sorry. Did you know that we burried max in your state, Arizona. Im so sorry about your other dogs.

Julia :~) said...

its ok omg really HEY! Was you track by mountains here cause thats were my old BMX track was and they dirt biked out there or was it in a place thats all desert? wait a minute how did you bring him out here